The Greater Bio project is co-funded by Interreg and the aim is development of new knowledge and methods to increase the value and utility from biobased products and services in Southern Sweden and Eastern Denmark through cooperation in the metropolitan region Greater Copenhagen. The project includes 7 cases and case 4 is focused on production and use of biochar with the aim to develop and characterize new value chains. The case involves installation, operation and optimization of a new pyrolysis unit at NSR in Helsingborg, development of a biogas odor filter based on NSR biochar and establishment of a Greater Bio Biochar catalogue with production and characterization of biochars related to NSR activities as well as activities in the other project cases. This include pyrolysis of e.g. sea weed, grasses, garden and park waste, food waste and biogas digestate fibers and development of a catalogue with key characteristics for the produced chars and the related production processes.
Project Profile
Name: Greater Bio
Partners in Case 4 of the Greater Bio proeject the project are from Sweden and Denmark and include: NSR AB, 2050 Consulting AB, Sustainable Business Hub Scandinavia AB, Roskilde University – Department of People and Technology and Gate21.
Duration: January 2020 – December 2022
Total Budget: ca. 2 200 000 EUR, whereof 1 100 000 EUR are funded by EU vie the Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak program. The budget for Case 4 is 250 000 EUR.
Funding Framework: Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak program